
 Programmable PhotoPolymerization P3™

Origin® Two

Origin Two

Origin Two – High Accuracy 3D Printing

3D Printing has transformed product design and prototyping, but its greatest potential lies in addressing supply chain and sourcing issues by providing an economically viable solution for small-batch end-use production:

  • Local, On-Demand Printing: Produce spare parts locally to minimize inventory and enable next-day delivery.
  • In-House Production: Bring tooling and final production processes in-house to reduce supply chain disruptions.
  • Responsive Manufacturing: Quickly produce small, cost-effective, built-to-order quantities to meet fluctuating demand.
  • Part Consolidation: Decrease SKUs through the integration of designs that traditional methods cannot achieve.

To realize these advantages, access to specialized 3D Printing technology that meets rigorous end-use production standards is essential -particularly regarding accuracy, repeatability, surface finish, and functional and mechanical performance, exceeding the capabilities of prototyping and entry-level product quality. Origin Two from Stratasys is one such printer. This 3D Printer raises the bar for industrial 3D Printers to a completely new level. It is powered by a new 5K DLP projector, the heart of any DLP projector, allowing the 3D Printer to deliver the highest accuracy and smoothest surface finish of all resin technologies. Additionally, it has proven repeatability, very tight tolerances, and superb smooth surface finish.

Powered by P3™ DLP technology, designed for the highest standards, the Origin platform provides a comprehensive solution that combines dependable hardware, advanced software, and premium materials, all integrated into a validated workflow to ensure every component adheres to strict standards crucial for real-world applications.

The Origin Two allows attaining consistent production while fulfilling your customers’ demanding requirements through a validated workflow. It can be set up quickly by competent technicians and keep your production running, while our experts offer training and support to maximize your investment.

From the first part to the hundredth and beyond, Origin Two consistently produces components that meet your high standards every time, without surprises. It’s no wonder that all leading DLP material providers develop their high-performance materials on Origin Printers!

Achieve Repeatability without Recalibration
Origin Two offers high accuracy and proven repeatability without requiring recalibration of build heads between prints or across different printers. The new build head and validated curing solution of Origin Cure™ allows you to set up a print job once and replicate it-today, tomorrow, or next month—with consistent results, anywhere in the world.

Benefit from the Tightest Tolerances
Tolerance refers to the permissible variation in a part’s dimensions compared to the CAD model. Origin Two achieves the tightest tolerances in 3D Printing, with an XY and Z tolerance of up to +/-50 um for validated applications and +/-100 um for general use.

Highlights of Origin Two

  • Certify Your Workflow with High-Temperature Printing
  • Get Real-time Data and Printing Monitoring
  • Boost Your Throughput and Time-to-Part
  • Enhance Post-Processing
  • Reduce Print Management Complexity