

SIMULINK - Simulation and Model-Based Design

SIMULINK - Simulation and Model-Based Design

SIMULINK is an environment for multi-domain simulation and Model-Based Design for dynamic and embedded systems. It provides an interactive graphical environment and a customizable set of block libraries that let you design, simulate, implement, and test a variety of time-varying systems, including communications, controls, signal processing, video processing, and image processing.

The MathWorks produces software for technical computing and Model-Based Design for engineers, scientists, mathematicians, and researchers. Our two core products are MATLAB, used for performing mathematical calculations, analyzing and visualizing data, and writing new software programs; and SIMULINK, used for modeling and simulating complex dynamic systems, such as a vehicle's automatic transmission system. We also produce more than 90 additional tools for specialized tasks such as processing images and signals and analyzing financial data.

In the past few years, our customers have used MathWorks products to:

  • Improve the safety and efficiency of spacecraft docking by developing adaptive Neurocontrol Technology for a computer-aided, joystick control system
  • Advance the mapping of the human genome by developing algorithms for DNA sequencing instruments
  • Avert financial crises in emerging economies by building an econometric model to predict such crises
  • Advance the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal tract disorders by improving visual imaging of the small intestine
  • Test the dynamic position of ships in heavy seas using scale models of those ships in the lab